beo.dialog Sabine Reese Fortmeier
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From the very beginning of my professional life, I assumed leadership responsibility. As a young graduate pedagogue, I ran an educational institution. I like to keep moving and hate standing still. Therefore, I sought new challenges starting at the end of the 1980s. I now work as a coach, supervisor (DGSv), teaching supervisor, trainer for group dynamics (DGGO) and organizational consultant.

I soon realized that the best way for me to use my skills as a consultant is independently and externally. I therefore became self-employed in 1993. I advise executives in business enterprises, associations and organizations. My consulting, coaching or training processes for individuals, groups, teams or organizational units are characterized by my strength in building relationships on the one hand and my ability to remain objective on the other.

If needed and desired, I also actively combine coaching with movement. Hiking, for example, is a perfect activity for reflecting on work contexts. Try it out. My clients include companies from the energy, automotive, chemical and telecommunications industries, as well as ministries, non-profit organizations, savings banks and charities. I look forward to getting your company moving as well.